Series of 26 photographs
Chemical matter
Each 21 x 29 cm

«MICRO COSMOS» is a captivating photographic series that plays with the viewer’s perception of scale and detail. The collection comprises 26 photographs, each capturing various forms of chemical matter. When viewed from a distance, the images evoke a cosmic expanse, suggesting the vastness of space and celestial bodies. However, upon closer inspection, these same images transform to reveal cellular-like structures, reminiscent of microscopic life forms.

This dual perspective challenges the observer to consider the interconnectedness of the macroscopic and microscopic worlds. The photographs, through their depiction of chemical matter, blur the lines between the astronomical and the biological, suggesting a continuum between the two realms. «MICRO COSMOS» thus invites viewers to reflect on the universality of certain patterns in nature, from the grand scale of the universe to the minute details of cellular structures.